One of the most unforgettable things you can do when you visit Northern Canada is stay for the world's greatest light-show. Known as the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, this dazzling display of lights in the sky is like nothing you've ever seen before.
The Yukon is a beautiful place, surrounded by lush and amazing wilderness. It is a sight to behold, but unfortunately, some of the species found within this wonderland are at risk. There are animals, insects, plants, and birds that are endangered, threatened, and of special concern in the area. Here are a few examples of species at risk in the Yukon.
On Sunday 21st June 2015, (the Summer Solstice), Discovery Yukon Lodgings was proud to host its very first wedding! The ceremony was held on the newly finished bridge, over the pond, under a Northern Lights backdrop, surrounded by flowers and mountains.
Nestled in a veritable treasure trove of wilderness, it is no wonder you can discover all kinds of local wildlife in the Yukon. Anyone seeking a wonderful experience viewing creatures of all shapes and sizes should check out this locale! You are sure to see at least a few interesting animals while you are here.
We have very sad news to report following on from the last post about the baby tree swallows. After being so excited to see the parents busily feeding their young we were very shocked a few days ago to see a raiding squirrel emerging from the stump with something in its mouth. We quickly rushed outside but we were too late. We hoped the squirrel had taken only one baby and that the others would survive, but a Grey Jay must have been watching the squirrel as a short time later he finished of
New additions to your DYL experience are some exciting competitions!
Firstly we will be running a photographic competition. There will be 5 categories: wildlife, local plants and flowers, scenery, people and lastly artistic. Your pictures need to be taken within a 10km radius of Discovery Yukon Lodgings and must be submitted via email by September 30th to the following address:
We’ve been treated to a couple of big thunderstorms over the last couple of weeks. We don’t tend to get many here so it is always exciting when there is a big storm. The campground was practically full and we all enjoyed watching the flashes of lightening and listening to the loud crashes of thunder as they reverberated off the mountains.
As some of you will already know we planned to have a fully functioning restaurant for our visitors this season. We had a cook and some will have already sampled her delicious dishes. However, we are very sad to say that our lovely cook had to leave us due to a serious illness. Her cheery smile and yummy food will be missed very much and we all wish her a speedy recovery.
We saw our first bear last Saturday! It was a large black bear right by the White River Bridge which is very close to the campground. He was busy eating on the side of the road and seemed happy for us to stop and take some great pictures.